The pony workshop

The pony workshop is the name of my studio at Varnæsvej 610 in Aabenraa. The studio is set up in our old horse stable. The name came about when I went and thought about whether the place should have a name? My company's name is Midtgaard Maleri, but I think that the studio had so much soul from the start that it could well bear its own name. Then it struck me... it's basically a place where you work, i.e. a workshop. It's filled with my love for horses and ponies. It is full of paintings and sculptures of horses - and the 6 ponies also look inside from time to time... This is where the name "Pony Workshop" came from. A small risk with the name is that people think I only paint horses - I don´t, but there is no doubt that my heart beats for these little creatures. In the Pony Workshop, it is possible to come to choose the perfect painting for your home. I have about 50-70 finished works. It ranges from abstract paintings, portraits, vintage cars, animal motifs and horses. You can also order a painting to your liking.

Who am I

My name is Maj Brit Grenaa Midtgaard. I originally trained as a social and health assistant. For many years I balanced my work with my passion for painting. It worked fine until I finally felt the urge to make a choice. I chose to wholeheartedly support art. It's been 7 years now. It's probably not the easiest road - but I love it! It's amazing how many exciting and lovely experiences this choice has brought. One of the things is the time to share my heart with my 4 little Shetlanders. They live with my husband and I on a small farm in Varnæs near Aabenraa. In addition to the ponies, we also have 2 dogs and 1 cat. Our two big girls have moved away from home. I teach quite a bit. This was not originally my plan, but I really enjoy watching people develop, discover their talents and enjoy the overpainting. Therefore, teaching takes up a part of my time.

The ponies

I am also passionate about passing on my knowledge about the horse's welfare, communication with the horses, how we can get them to do the things we want - e.g. trix, and how we can increase our time together with the horses. All this by understanding the horses better.

I really want to make up for the fact that I think our association with horses is very much characterized by the fact that we must "get something out of" being together. That is not how we see our community with, for example, dogs. We see them as friends - and we KNOW that it gives us something to be with the dog. I also see the ponies that way. I am absolutely sure that being with horses and ponies gives us so much more than we are aware of. And even if we don't get a ride out of it.

It is in the stable that we can completely relax. This is where we can forget time and place. Sitting with a pony who calmly eats his hay is decidedly relaxing and can lower a high stress level. Here the horses don't care who we are out in the pulsating world.

Here they come to us if we are present and present. They quickly notice if we have good intentions, and they can choose to be with us as part of the herd.

Many also feel that the ponies are a safe place to ease one's heart.

I am inspired by Horsemanship, the teaching of the horse's behavior, and regularly participates in classes with Camilla Stormond.

Visit the ponies

You can also visit the ponies

The ponies

  • Etta

    Etta is from 2007. A mare from the lineage Knapstrupper. 

  • Victor

    Viktor is a castrated breeding stallion of the Minishetländer breed. He is the father of several foals around Denmark. Viktor is a curious, a very happy little pony of 79 cm in height. He is from 2009. Loves people's unreserved attention! Would prefer to have us all to himself. He is always ready for new experiences. Not easily startled.  Has a very leisurely pace at times (goes downright slow at times) He loves learning new tricks and being the center of attention. 

  • Merle

    Merle is a young mare from 2021.  She is incredibly gentle and sweet. Curious and interested in people. She is expected to be 82-83 cm tall.

  • Kookie

    Kookie is a gelding from 2021. The breed is Minishetlander. He loves being with the rest of the pack. Are very good friends with Merle. Expected stg. 82 cm

The pony workshop in the media

The pony workshop has been in Wendy magazine in May 2022, as well as Familiejournalen no. 18 in 2022